Rome Fashion White 2015: Hair Fashion Team CDB

12 Nov Rome Fashion White 2015: Hair Fashion Team CDB

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Rome Fashion White 2015: High Fashion Wedding parade in Church and CDB Hair Fashion Team cares the wonderful event hairstyles.

The Rome Fashion White fits, in this period, as a pivotal event in one of the most important social and economic sector of our society: that of the “wedding”. With this promise becomes interesting to understand the centrality and the success that has led, in the course of its nine editions, the Rome Fashion White to become a unique event of its kind in the entire country, thanks to the intuition received by the fashion producer Antonio Falanga to set the format of a high fashion wedding show in a Church.

In the enchanting setting of the Episcopal Church of St. Paul’s Within the Walls, in Rome, in the evening of November 9th Cinzia Malvini, one of the most respected journalists in the fashion industry, led the 2015 edition in which three prestigious High Fashion Wedding Companies (Atelier twins Donato Bride, Mauro Gala and Gian Paolo Zuccarello) paraded into the church nave, catwalk for one evening, thanks to a lighting design project. Among the products, very original the capsule-collection dedicated to bags, designed by Adele Guacci, for the “Yes” Day.

In this magical atmosphere of the Roma Fashion White, CDB could not miss to be privileged partner for hairstyles and headdresses with a sensational Hair Fashion CDB Team consists of Roberto Maselli with Patrizia Piscitello, Stefano D’Alisera and Emanuele Didier Della Motta.The composure in poses of collected hair mixed with touches of romance and weaves made artfully, in a unique balance between the ethereal and passionate.

During the Rome Fashion White event, it was of particular prestige the time dedicated to the awarding of the “Lifetime Achievement and the Fashion Professions Award” which this year reaches its fourteenth edition. For the section “Hair Designer” the award was received, our source of pride, by Salvo Filletti. The initiative, created in 2002, aims to pay tribute to the careers and commitment of the main protagonists of the Italian fashion system: journalists, stylists, photographers, press offices, institutes and academies of fashion, fashion ambassadors, that promoting and working with competence, in the different professional areas of the fashion industry.

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